You Are a Co-Creator
“You’ve been afraid to step into your power, to acknowledge how great you are. As long as you are coming from your heart-space and not your ego, you have every right to claim your power. What you do not have is the right to think that you are bigger and better than anyone else. Everyone is equal. Everyone is equal.
Own your greatness, but own it with humility. Be humble. Be loving and gentle and kind. See any who are working to cause you harm, or have already caused you harm, as the wounded beings they are in their physical manifestations in this lifetime. Know that what comes from them comes from their woundedness as they attempt to heal their spirits, to learn their lessons and to be all they came here to be. What comes from them is not aimed at you, but is here to help you grow. What is occurring was designated long before this physical incarnation. It was chosen by you and by them: A pact you entered into so that each of you could learn what you needed to learn. It’s time to step away from being a victim, and to understand that you are a co-creator. You co-created, with all who are with you in this lifetime, all that is in your path; that which you call good and that which you label as bad.
I suggest you quit labeling and accept that what comes to you is a part of your journey, a piece of your path, another chapter in the book of your learning. Always see yourself for all that you are, regardless of what is happening around you. No one can make you a victim. No one can make you feel bad or sad or unhappy. No one can enrage you. You are in control of that, if you choose to be. And if you choose not to be, you’re still choosing. Don’t you understand that? Everything in your life is coming to you because you made a choice. Everything that is happening is a response to your choice, a reaction. Not a punishment or a judgment. Not a criticism. Not a slap on the wrist or a cuff up ‘side the head. It is simply a response to a stimuli. You can change how you respond.
So think about it. Think about choosing to respond rather than allowing yourself to react. How different do you think your life would be if you came from that perspective? Because when you do that, you’re owning your power. You’re being accountable and responsible. You are totally and truly stepping into your power as co-creator.”
Channeled during a Healing Circle
Ashtabula, Ohio