How Does Reiki Work?

How does Reiki work?

In Eastern thought the belief is that we have seven main (and many smaller) energy centers in our bodies called chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel or disc. The seven main chakras are located parallel to the spine and help generate and disperse the life force energy throughout the body. In Japan this life force energy is called Ki. In China it is referred to as Chi. In India it is known as Prana.

When these energy centers are balanced and working together, our energy is high, our moods are more stable, and our bodies have the ability to heal themselves in many ways. We are healthier in mind, body and spirit. However, if these energy centers are blocked or working at less than peak efficiency, our life force energy is lower and we are more susceptible to illness, mood swings and fatigue.

Reiki works on these energy centers to help keep them balanced and working together as a system. It dissolves or removes the blocks and helps us stay healthier and keeps our moods more balanced and stable. And because the life force energy is within everything that is living, Reiki works on animals and plants as well as people!

Where do the blocks come from?

The blockages in our energy system occur when we’ve not completely and appropriately processed the emotions and feelings we have experienced during our lifetime. Unresolved grief, old traumas and wounds, even something as simple as feeling guilty because we’ve not lived up to our parents’ expectations of us, can cause blocks to form.

In Eastern thought it is believed that most, if not all, of our physical and psychological issues stem from emotions and feelings that have not been addressed in the best way possible. Western belief is slowly but surely coming to recognize the power of our thoughts and emotions on our physical health also.

Because Reiki is guided by a Higher Power, a practitioner can never guarantee what Reiki will do. It will do what the client most needs, at the time the energy is received, as determined by what his/her Higher Power believes is needed. And it’s always good to keep in mind that your Higher Power’s knowledge of what you need may be very different from what you think you need.

What benefits can you receive from Reiki?

Reiki facilitates healing and change on all levels: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. It is a wonderful complement to all forms of traditional medical and psychotherapeutic techniques.

Reiki helps with many types of aches and pains. Clients have experienced relief from such physical concerns as migraines, allergies, chronic neck and back pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, and carpal tunnel syndrome, just to name a few.
Emotional and psychological wounds and trauma can be positively affected by Reiki. I’ve seen clients experience the disappearance of long term depression, anxiety and panic attacks, grief and loss issues, post-traumatic stress disorder and much more, after receiving Reiki sessions.

Because Reiki is directed by a Higher Power, it never causes harm. You can’t overdose on it and even a little is better than none. It’s also a very respectful energy and will only take you where you are ready to go. If you have old wounds in your past that you have buried, Reiki will only bring to the surface what you are ready to heal and release.

Bonnie Hassan, MSW

a word from bonnie

One of the greatest benefits I’ve received from Reiki is the release of long-held rage toward my mother for abuse I suffered as a child. Reiki also gave me a much stronger connection to that Divine power that guides and directs my life. It enabled me to connect with God’s presence in my life in a way that religion and church never seemed able to do. I believe my intuitive gifts came to me as a result of the deep healing I experienced through Reiki and the strengthening of my Divine connection.