Bonnie Hassan Reiki | Welcome2025-01-04T14:22:57-06:00


out of your comfort zoneinto your power zone

get the help you need to take the next step on your journey

step out of your comfort zone
and into your power zone

get the help you need to take
the next step on your journey


I’m Bonnie Hassan and I’m so glad you found me! Are we kindred spirits who have been brought together by a Higher Power? Perhaps that Higher Power knows that if we work together, you will get the help you need to take the next step on your journey. You will begin to ‘Step out of your comfort zone into your Power Zone!

I offer unique and powerful opportunities for healing by combining Reiki with my intuitive gifts and my training and expertise as a psychotherapist. Explore the services I offer, learn more about Reiki, submit a FREE request for Reiki and prayers for those in need, or download something to assist you on your journey!



Bonnie Hassan, MSW

Bonnie Hassan

I first experienced God’s direct intervention in my life when a prayer I uttered in church in December 1991 was answered in an amazing way just a few short hours later. Since that time my journey has been directed by Divine Guidance in many ways, from the opening of a private healing practice in Pittsburgh, PA in 2003 to a 14,000 mile solo road trip to Alaska and back in 2012. In 2013, I moved to Nashville and was guided to expand my practice by offering healing circles via teleconferences. This allowed me to offer individuals and groups around the world the opportunity to help themselves heal through the gifts that have surfaced from within me as I continue to open myself to Spirit and follow the Guidance I receive.

I have a Master’s Degree in Social Work, a B.S. in Human Resource Management, and I’ve been practicing and teaching Reiki since 2000. I’m a Reiki Master in six different forms of Reiki: Usui/Tibetan, Sekhem-Seichim, Karuna Reiki®, Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki, Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® and Transformational Reiki. Transformational Reiki is a combination of Native American and Japanese energies and introduces the practitioner to the use of a drum for Reiki sessions. This type of Reiki has evolved as a gift from Spirit as my own gifts have opened and expanded.

I was aware at a soul level, days ahead of Bonnie’s up-coming distance healing circle. I felt it was going to be powerful and deeply healing. It certainly was! I felt surrounded by Bonnie and her healing energy as if she were next to me, but yet I was able to relax in the comforts of my home. Due to her intense healing talents I was able to release stagnant energy from deep within that no longer serves me. My body was very ready to be rid of it. The next morning I woke feeling a deep peace and very calm. I now notice how I feel very comfortable with myself and others and am able to remain clam and grounded in all types of situations. I highly recommend Bonnie’s distance healing circles to anyone who is ready for deep personal healing.

Stacey S., Pittsburgh, PA

Would you, or someone you know, like some uplifting guidance from Spirit to help ease you through the challenges of these difficult times and provide wisdom for your journey?

If so, the wisdom in the messages in Straight Talk from God provides the perfect inspiration to help you find the grace you need to get you through.


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from Spirit | Source | God

There Are No Mistakes

I’m Calling You!

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