Healing Through the Ages

You can make a difference!

We are not just the product of our own experiences, but the culmination of the experiences of all of our ancestors. Who we are, and what we experience, we may also pass along to those who come after us. (Think of the trauma of the pandemic!)

Take a look at this interesting article I found in  Scientific American that proves that trauma in past generations does effect current generations . . . At least in mice! Since this is a difficult thing to test in humans, they have to stick with mice, but the assumption is that it also holds true for humans! Here’s the link, if you’d like to read the article for yourself. It’s not very long, and it’s pretty easy to understand: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fearful-memories-passed-down/

If you’d like to help your ancestors heal, heal yourself more deeply, and offer those who come after you the opportunity for an easier journey,  please register! It could be very beneficial on so many levels!

We’ll join together for a powerful guided meditation where we will send healing heart energy back into the past. When the past is healed, energies are freed and a ripple effect takes place, healing not only those in the past, but affecting our own journeys in the present as well. Then we will send it forward, into the future, to help all those who come after us to live more fully and more completely, unfettered by the past that we lived as our present. We’ll follow the meditation with a healing circle to more fully manifest the healing the meditation facilitated. Keep a notebook or journal handy to record your thoughts and impressions.

Please note: If you plan to join me for this workshop, you will need to do some advance preparation. You will need three brand new candles (all identical), something to light them with, and a safe, stable surface to place them on. You will be using the candles during the meditation portion of the session and they will continue to burn throughout the meditation and even the healing circle.

Keep a notebook or journal nearby to record your insights. Come prepared to let Spirit work in the way Spirit knows best.

Before you begin the session, you might want to prepare your space so it feels safe and comfortable. Turn off your cell phone and make sure you will not be interrupted during the session so you can have the deepest, most personal experience possible. Have a blanket and some water and perhaps a few tissues nearby.

To Purchase This Recording: Please sit quietly, focus on your heart, and ask Spirit/God/The Universe what you should offer for what you will receive during the session. Once you receive your answer, please fill in your offering amount below, click on Add to Cart and continue through the purchase process. Once your purchase is complete, you will receive an email confirmation that your purchase was received. Within 24-48 hours you will receive an additional email with the recording attached. (Files may not download on some cell phones.) Please save your recording to your own computer to have it for future use.

Important: Enter your email address correctly to insure you receive confirmation of your purchase. If you do not receive it within 30 minutes of completing your purchase, please email me at Bonnie@bonniehassan.com


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